Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Get Squattin'


I just remembered I should let you in on a little secret. In my Zumba® class, we do a little thing, that make a big difference called squats. Squats are just what they are. 

  • Stand with your legs a little far apart from each other.
  • Bend your knees like your sitting in an invisible chair.
  • Make sure your knees don't go past your feet!
  • I like to keep my balance by putting my arms to my chest or I've seen people just hold their arms straight out, whatever's comfortable with you.
  • Stick that booty out, don't be shy!
  • Hold it about 10 seconds and come back up.
  • Repeat!

Sometimes I wish there was a chair under me because the burning in my legs is intense; a good intense though. Do you feel like your butt is just flat as a pancake? Try doing some squats for a whole song. Make it a fast song so you can do a little dancing too. In my Zumba® class we do our squats during the chorus of the song and we do about 5. Give it a try!  I have yet to see results on me, but I do feel the soreness in my legs and glutes the next day. You should see  results within a month, if you don't keep squattin'. .won't hurt ya!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How's It Going So Far?

I would love to hear about your Zumba® experiences so far. It helps to write about your experience from when you first start to the end to see how far you've come.

  • Are you struggling? What is your biggest struggle?
  • Are you having a blast? 
  • What's your favorite song to dance to? 
  • What excersices are giving you the best results? 
  • Are you going to to a Zumba® Studio or a local gym? 
  • What find of Zumba® class are you attending? (Zumba® Fitness, Zumba® Gold, Auqa Zumba)
  • Are you making friends and getting to know people?


Thursday, April 4, 2013


Before you start your workout and after, that doesn't necessarily have to be for Zumba®, it's very important to stretch! Stretching will reduce the chances of you pulling a muscle. Why do you need to stretch before AND after? I like to stretch before my workout because it gets my muscles warmed up and it's the most important to stretch after so that you don't pull anything. Your breathing while you stretch is important too. Make sure that after your workout you feel calm and relaxed with yourself.